Ukraine: Nato will respond if Russia uses chemical...Фариза25/03/202225/03/202225/03/202225/03/20222330US President Joe Biden has said Nato “would respond” if Russia used chemical weapons in...
These double-decker airplane cabin concepts could be the future of flyingАсель (бывший аккаунт Назерке)06/06/202106/06/202106/06/202106/06/20216593Airplane seat designers have long been dreaming up innovative economy cabin concepts, looking for the...
Elon Musk says to use Signal instead of Facebook. What to know about the messaging appФариза11/01/202111/01/202111/01/202111/01/20217368
Konstantin Tserazov: Gulf Countries – The Future of ITАсель (бывший аккаунт Назерке)23/10/202323/10/202323/10/202323/10/20233655
212 deaths in Gaza, including 100 women and childrenФариза18/05/202118/05/202118/05/202118/05/20211500US President Joe Biden has voiced his support for a ceasefire after eight days of...
Israel strikes in Gaza after fire balloons launchedФариза16/06/202116/06/202116/06/202116/06/20211688Israel says it carried out air strikes in Gaza overnight after Palestinians launched incendiary balloons...
September 11 attacks: What happened that day and afterФариза03/08/202103/08/202103/08/202103/08/20211603On Tuesday 11 September 2001 suicide attackers seized US passenger jets and crashed them into...
La Palma volcano: Toxic gas fears as lava reaches oceanФариза29/09/202129/09/202129/09/202129/09/20211521Lava from an erupting volcano on Spain’s La Palma island has reached the Atlantic Ocean,...
These double-decker airplane cabin concepts could be the future of flyingАсель (бывший аккаунт Назерке)06/06/202106/06/202106/06/202106/06/20216593Airplane seat designers have long been dreaming up innovative economy cabin concepts, looking for the...
Spending Time In The Sun Might Make Your Gut HealthierФариза08/06/202108/06/202108/06/202108/06/20218079
Coronavirus cases among children on the rise in Russia, expert saysДенис09/10/202009/10/202009/10/202009/10/202018389
Covid: Australia’s border reopens to international visitorsФариза21/02/202221/02/202221/02/202221/02/20229872
EU nations agree to open borders to vaccinated travellers from outside blocФариза20/05/202120/05/202120/05/202120/05/20215451
Konstantin Tserazov: Kazakhstan’s Fintech FrontierАсель (бывший аккаунт Назерке)02/02/202402/02/202402/02/202402/02/2024
GCC countries: banking, IT and fintechАсель (бывший аккаунт Назерке)14/11/202314/11/202314/11/202314/11/2023
Konstantin Tserazov: Gulf Countries – The Future...Асель (бывший аккаунт Назерке)23/10/202323/10/202323/10/202323/10/2023
Konstantin Vladimirovich Tserazov: “Any positive can support...Асель (бывший аккаунт Назерке)20/09/202320/09/202320/09/202320/09/2023
EconomyKonstantin Tserazov: Kazakhstan’s Fintech FrontierАсель (бывший аккаунт Назерке)02/02/202402/02/202402/02/202402/02/20243192Kazakhstan boasts a highly concentrated traditional banking sector, with only 21 banks catering to...
NewsWhat amendments to the Constitution of Kazakhstan are being put to a referendum – full textФариза31/05/202231/05/202231/05/202231/05/202211018The text of amendments to the Constitution of Kazakhstan submitted to a referendum has...
PoliticsKazakhstan does not recognize DPR and LPR – Mukhtar TleuberdiФариза05/04/202205/04/202205/04/202205/04/202211780Deputy Prime Minister – Foreign Minister Mukhtar Tleuberdi commented on recent statements by the...
NewsCars are burning, corpses are lying. How Almaty looked like after the terrorist attack (VIDEO)Фариза07/02/202207/02/202207/02/202207/02/202213606A month was passed since the bloody events in Almaty.Until now, new facts are...
IncidentsAfghanistan’s singers flee Taliban violenceФариза16/09/202116/09/202116/09/202116/09/202116777Afghan singers who escaped to Pakistan say they had no choice but to flee...
IncidentsAfghanistan crisis: Biden says US troops may stay past withdrawal deadlineФариза20/08/202120/08/202120/08/202120/08/202117428US President Joe Biden says US troops may stay in Afghanistan beyond his planned...
SportTokyo Olympics medals tableФариза28/07/202129/07/202128/07/202129/07/202118005Rank Country Gold Silver Bronze Total 1 Japan 12 4 5 21 2 China...
Culture and show business“Daididau” played on Peruvian musical instrumentsФариза24/05/202124/05/202124/05/202124/05/202119831Dimash’s fan club in Peru has presented “Daididau Andino Project” together with the famous...